7:30 - 9:00
Good morning!! Free play period. Await all to arrive and prepare for daily activities. Bathroom / Wash up Breakfast including three food groups/ Clean up.
9:00 - 9:30
Circle time singing and games, weather, calendar. Movement Activities – Stretching, movement and learning games, furniture obstacles, Leap frog mats, hankie toss, bean bag boogie. Activities that encourage movement and motor skill development as well as education, imagination and play.
9:30 – 10:00
Bathroom Break / Wash Hands / Snack with two food groups / Clean up / Check Diapers change if necessary.
10:00 – 10:40
Individual play...fine motor skills: Number/letter/shape/animal/color recognition puzzles and games transitioning to group play free time. Clean up.
10:40 – 11:00
Creative Craft Time wash up and clean up to go outdoors
11:00 – 12:00
Outdoor activities free play with options to ride bikes, balance on play ground borders, trampoline, sand box, tree house, slides play basket ball and soccer or any type of ball really. Structured games like Tag, Simon Says, hide and Seek, Mr. Wolf and any where their imagination and feet would like to take them. Toys away outdoors.
12:00 – 12:30
Bathroom / Wash hands / Prep Lunch including three food groups. Clean up lunch dishes, bleach surfaces.
12:30 – 1:00
T.V. offered to start wined down and allow me to arrange sleep mats and play pens for nap / quiet time. Clean up lunches, bleach surfaces. complete diaper Changes, place children in Quiet and naptime. Babies to bed older children quiet rest Educational items offered till 3:00ish.
3:00 – 3:30
Mats away / Wash hands / Snack with two food groups / Clean up lunch kits in cubbies or backpacks for home time. Assure diapers are changed
3:30 – 5:00
Outdoor / inside free play end of day wined up.
End of day
Tidy up toys away/ get ready for pick up. Vacuum and clean daycare for next day.
Every day is child driven so the times are only approximates. Various factors can dictate changes. This is only a guide. Please be considerate of our schedule when dropping off or picking up.
7:30 - 9:00
Good morning!! Free play period. Await all to arrive and prepare for daily activities. Bathroom / Wash up Breakfast including three food groups/ Clean up.
9:00 - 9:30
Circle time singing and games, weather, calendar. Movement Activities – Stretching, movement and learning games, furniture obstacles, Leap frog mats, hankie toss, bean bag boogie. Activities that encourage movement and motor skill development as well as education, imagination and play.
9:30 – 10:00
Bathroom Break / Wash Hands / Snack with two food groups / Clean up / Check Diapers change if necessary.
10:00 – 10:40
Individual play...fine motor skills: Number/letter/shape/animal/color recognition puzzles and games transitioning to group play free time. Clean up.
10:40 – 11:00
Creative Craft Time wash up and clean up to go outdoors
11:00 – 12:00
Outdoor activities free play with options to ride bikes, balance on play ground borders, trampoline, sand box, tree house, slides play basket ball and soccer or any type of ball really. Structured games like Tag, Simon Says, hide and Seek, Mr. Wolf and any where their imagination and feet would like to take them. Toys away outdoors.
12:00 – 12:30
Bathroom / Wash hands / Prep Lunch including three food groups. Clean up lunch dishes, bleach surfaces.
12:30 – 1:00
T.V. offered to start wined down and allow me to arrange sleep mats and play pens for nap / quiet time. Clean up lunches, bleach surfaces. complete diaper Changes, place children in Quiet and naptime. Babies to bed older children quiet rest Educational items offered till 3:00ish.
3:00 – 3:30
Mats away / Wash hands / Snack with two food groups / Clean up lunch kits in cubbies or backpacks for home time. Assure diapers are changed
3:30 – 5:00
Outdoor / inside free play end of day wined up.
End of day
Tidy up toys away/ get ready for pick up. Vacuum and clean daycare for next day.
Every day is child driven so the times are only approximates. Various factors can dictate changes. This is only a guide. Please be considerate of our schedule when dropping off or picking up.