Childcare will be provided for your child Tuesday to Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. The fees for childcare at Kinder Time Daycare as of April 2024 are $45.47 for 3 years and older and 45.70 for under three years of age. This facility does offer affordable childcare funding of up to $600.00 in discounts per month for children under 36 months and up to $500.00 discounts for children 3 years to kindergarten per month. Discounts are based on daily rates based on child’s attendance. You can contact 1-888-338-6622 or gov.bc/affordablechildcarebenefit
for more information.
To ensure the safety of your child, only you or someone you have listed as an alternate may pick up your child. You may specify as many alternates as you like on your child’s resume. In certain circumstances a person may be deemed unfit to pick up a child. If this occurs an alternate person that is listed will be called. If a person is deemed unfit and they pursue taking the child into custody under unsafe conditions the proper authorities will be called. Please be on time picking up your child each day. Phone me if you will be late for any reason. If due to special circumstances, you are unable to pick up your child, you will need to phone me and let me know. I will require ID from the person you specified for pick up. If your child ends up here past pick up due to extenuating circumstances, I will treat the child as I do my own and carry on with the evening scheduled meals and events that our family enjoys. Extra fees may be charged if late pickups become excessive. A $5.00 charge for every 15 minutes you are late for pick up will be charged.
Parents are required to check the child in and out daily using the sign-in and sign-out sheet posted at the door. Parents are to personally escort their child in to the daycare each morning and assure I am aware that the child has arrived. In the afternoon, parents must sign-out using the same system and notify me that they are leaving with their child. If the child is out on the playground the above still applies.
If your child is on antibiotics, he/she continues to be contagious for 24 hours after the first dose of medication and cannot return to childcare until this time period has passed. I am not able to give a child medication unless I have signed permission from the parent. All medication shall be supplied to the daycare in the original container, properly labeled, and will be administered only by authorized personnel. The parent/guardian must complete the Medication Permission form before the child will be given the medication. Medications will be kept in an inaccessible area or in the refrigerator as required. Any medication remaining after the authorization to dispense has ended or the child no longer requires the medication will be returned to the parent.
Parents, or other authorized guardians, will be notified when their child has a sign or symptom that requires exclusion from day care. In the event of physician approval that a child can return to daycare, the daycare may still require the child to be excluded under daycare policy. Examples of reasons a child may be excluded are described below.
1. The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in daycare activities.
2. The illness results in a greater care need than the childcare staff can provide without compromising the health and welfare of the other children.
3. The child has any of the following conditions.
I make every effort to keep your children safe through supervision and childproofing. Minor injuries will receive first aid, and if an emergency injury or illness occurs during the day and medical attention is required, you will be contacted immediately. If I am unable contact you, I will call someone you have given me permission to call. If a child is injured and requires emergency transportation, the parent will be notified immediately after the child is stabilized and emergency services notified. An accident report will be written. The parent will pay for any emergency transportation costs involved.
If a child incurs a minor injury scrapes, cuts bruises etc. while in care I will notify parents by FB messenger usually including a picture to document the event.
I believe the most effective ways of encouraging positive behaviors are through Praise, Respect, Re-Direction, and Positive Re-Enforcement. I don’t play “REF”; I try to get children involved in their own problem solving if possible. During conflict it is important for children to feel respected, secure, loved, important and special. They need to know I am always available to listen and help, not to judge. My goal is to coach the children so they can negotiate, compromise, brainstorm and work it out together. "Time Away" is used when necessary with one minute per year of age used as the maximum time away from regular activities. I will place a child in time away if I feel that they are a threat to the safety and wellbeing of themselves or others. To ease the uncertainty that sometimes occurs when both parent and caregiver are present and a child is acting out, the daycare will discipline your child when you both walk in the door/gate.
All children are accepted into the daycare on a trial basis for a period of one month, with a provision for termination from the program with 2 weeks written notice. We do not believe a child should remain at the daycare unless he/she derives some benefit from their stay. After the trial period, the daycare reserves the right to dismiss a child from the center for the following reasons:
It is important for children of all ages to have a change of clothing at day care, since even those beyond the stages of "accidents" will occasionally spill juice, milk, or paint. We ask that you please clearly mark all items and send them in a bag also marked with your child's name. Please dress your child appropriately for the daycare environment and for the weather since we feel it is required for children to get out and get exercise and fresh air each day. Children attending during nap time are required to bring one blanket and one crib-sized sheet. The bedding should be clearly labeled. If your child is wearing diapers, you are required to provide disposable diapers and baby wipes.
I provide a wide variety of playthings. I ask that no toys be brought to daycare from home. Often children have a hard time sharing the toys they bring from home. However, a special blanket OR stuffed animal/doll to be used during Naptime is welcomed.
Parents of infants are required to provide formula, bottles, and baby food. Parents are responsible to provide nutritious meals and snacks that follow the Food Guidelines. Children arriving after 8:00 A.M. must eat breakfast at home before arriving and Children arriving after 12:30 must also eat lunch before arriving.
*If your child is on a special diet or has allergies we will need you to make a note of it on the Child's resume.
Our daycare has established special procedures to deal with such emergencies as fire and natural disaster. The day care is inspected on a regular basis by the Health unit. Fire and Earth Quake drills are held regularly. During severe weather, weather-related school closings will affect our daycare's operation. In case of a Disaster, a precautionary relocation of children to Temporary Relocation Centers may be ordered. Our relocation center would be the Mission Leisure Center. If the daycare is without power for over an hour and conditions are severe that we cannot meet the essential needs of care your child requires, you will be contacted to pick up your child.
The people who care for your child have special status under law. They're mandatory reporters. They don't really report "child abuse". What they report is their suspicion that someone may have purposely hurt your child. They have no choice under law. Trained investigators decide whether or not abuse actually took place. All children get bumps, bruises and scrapes as a part of growing up. It is important, however, that you tell your child's teacher/caregiver about any unusual injuries or conditions.
While your child is in my care, you can always be assured that the door is open to you. Open Door does not mean that we keep our doors unlocked. If the phone goes unanswered please do not become alarmed, I am busy with the children. Please leave me a message and I will call you as soon as I am able.l
Communication is very important to me. I feel that we are a team raising your child. If we can work together then your child can feel secure in knowing they have two families who love them very much. If you like parents may receive a daily note about their child’s day. Some typical things that you may find on this note would be daily activities, feedings/meals, diaper changes and naps/quiet time. Please let me know if you would like to receive daily reports.
This facility is pet friendly. Our cat Roamey has been with us since July 2023. Roamey is an indoor outdoor cat that is skiddish around the kids. Interaction is minimal with the children as she is out in the day. If its raining she will come in the daycare door and quickly run away upstairs.
I have read the Policies of Kinder Time Daycare and agree to adhere to them.
Parent signature ________________________ Date ________________
Childcare provider’s signature ___________________ Date _________________
Childcare will be provided for your child Tuesday to Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. The fees for childcare at Kinder Time Daycare as of April 2024 are $45.47 for 3 years and older and 45.70 for under three years of age. This facility does offer affordable childcare funding of up to $600.00 in discounts per month for children under 36 months and up to $500.00 discounts for children 3 years to kindergarten per month. Discounts are based on daily rates based on child’s attendance. You can contact 1-888-338-6622 or gov.bc/affordablechildcarebenefit
for more information.
To ensure the safety of your child, only you or someone you have listed as an alternate may pick up your child. You may specify as many alternates as you like on your child’s resume. In certain circumstances a person may be deemed unfit to pick up a child. If this occurs an alternate person that is listed will be called. If a person is deemed unfit and they pursue taking the child into custody under unsafe conditions the proper authorities will be called. Please be on time picking up your child each day. Phone me if you will be late for any reason. If due to special circumstances, you are unable to pick up your child, you will need to phone me and let me know. I will require ID from the person you specified for pick up. If your child ends up here past pick up due to extenuating circumstances, I will treat the child as I do my own and carry on with the evening scheduled meals and events that our family enjoys. Extra fees may be charged if late pickups become excessive. A $5.00 charge for every 15 minutes you are late for pick up will be charged.
Parents are required to check the child in and out daily using the sign-in and sign-out sheet posted at the door. Parents are to personally escort their child in to the daycare each morning and assure I am aware that the child has arrived. In the afternoon, parents must sign-out using the same system and notify me that they are leaving with their child. If the child is out on the playground the above still applies.
If your child is on antibiotics, he/she continues to be contagious for 24 hours after the first dose of medication and cannot return to childcare until this time period has passed. I am not able to give a child medication unless I have signed permission from the parent. All medication shall be supplied to the daycare in the original container, properly labeled, and will be administered only by authorized personnel. The parent/guardian must complete the Medication Permission form before the child will be given the medication. Medications will be kept in an inaccessible area or in the refrigerator as required. Any medication remaining after the authorization to dispense has ended or the child no longer requires the medication will be returned to the parent.
Parents, or other authorized guardians, will be notified when their child has a sign or symptom that requires exclusion from day care. In the event of physician approval that a child can return to daycare, the daycare may still require the child to be excluded under daycare policy. Examples of reasons a child may be excluded are described below.
1. The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in daycare activities.
2. The illness results in a greater care need than the childcare staff can provide without compromising the health and welfare of the other children.
3. The child has any of the following conditions.
- FEVER - A child with a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more, is to be sent home. He/she may return when fever-free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Advil.
- DIARRHEA - A child having uncontrolled diarrhea will be sent home. She/he may return when the condition improves (stools are no longer watery and are returning to normal consistency) and tolerating bland foods or 1/2 strength formula. Uncontrolled diarrhea is defined as:
- · an increase in number of stools compared with child's normal pattern
- · increased stool water
- · Stool that is not contained by the diaper or use of the toilet
- After 2nd stool, parent will be notified, and a decision made about whether child will be sent home.
- VOMITING - If a child is acting ill and has vomited, he/she is to be sent home. The child may return if there has been no vomiting for 24 hours and is tolerating bland foods or 1/2 strength formula.
- MOUTH SORES - A child who has mouth sores and is drooling or mouthing toys will be excluded from day care. He/she may be readmitted when all sores are scabbed and healed.
- EYE INFECTION - Parents will be notified if child has signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis. The child will be sent home with recommendations to see a physician. He/she may return after 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and fever-free for 24 hours without use of Tylenol.
- EAR INFECTION - If a child exhibits, they have an ear infection and is acting ill, parents will be notified so that they may take the child to see a physician. The child may return after initiation of antibiotic therapy or if cleared by a physician. Must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol.
- CHICKEN POX - A child will be sent home when chicken pox lesions are detected. He/she may return when all chicken pox lesions have dried and crusted.
- HAND FOOT & MOUTH VIRUS - A child is contagious for 7-10 days from onset of the virus so must be excluded from care for 10 days.
- HEAD LICE - A child with head lice will be excluded from day care and may return when hair has been properly treated and all nits have been removed. Personnel will check the child before he/she may return.
- IMPETIGO - A child with impetigo lesions will be excluded from day care as it is a highly contagious skin infection. He/she will be referred to a physician and may return to daycare 24 hours after start of antibiotic therapy.
- PIN WORMS - A child with pin worms will be excluded from day care until 24 hours after treatment.
- RINGWORM - If a child is suspected to have ringworm, parents will be notified to remove child from daycare and see a physician. Child may return after initiation of medication or clearance from physician.
- ROTA VIRUS - A child with rotavirus will be excluded from day care until watery stools stop and has been fever free for 24 hours without use of Tylenol.
- RSV - Respiratory Syncytial Virus - If a child is diagnosed with RSV, he/she will be excluded from day care until one week after diagnosis and/or discharge from the hospital.
- SHIGELLA - A child with shigella should be excluded from day care until he/she has no shigella in his/her stools (two negative stool cultures).
- STREP THROAT - A child with fever and strep throat will be excluded from day care. He/she may return after 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and if fever-free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol.
- Other illnesses or conditions that require treatment by a physician will be managed as directed by the physician after approval by the daycare coordinator.
- CORONA VIRUS - For children and staff who are confirmed ill COVID19 with respiratory illness symptoms (fever, cough, fatigue and/or muscle aches) to stay home from daycare until symptoms clear.
If your child will be absent due to illness or other reason, on an otherwise scheduled day, full payment is expected. We are closed on weekends and all Statutory Holidays; statutory holidays are also paid by the client. If the client is to take holidays daycare payment for those vacation days still needs to be made. I will take two weeks’ vacation a year. If you also take paid vacation at this time payment to me is appreciated. If you need to provide alternate daycare for the time that I am absent I will not require payment to be made for my time off. Your honesty is appreciated. I will assure ample notice of the time for you to make alternate child care arrangements. Care givers sick days. I am rarely sick and will try to provide coverage for these days if possible but if I am sick and must close payment will not be reimbursed. Not to exceed ten sick days per year.
I make every effort to keep your children safe through supervision and childproofing. Minor injuries will receive first aid, and if an emergency injury or illness occurs during the day and medical attention is required, you will be contacted immediately. If I am unable contact you, I will call someone you have given me permission to call. If a child is injured and requires emergency transportation, the parent will be notified immediately after the child is stabilized and emergency services notified. An accident report will be written. The parent will pay for any emergency transportation costs involved.
If a child incurs a minor injury scrapes, cuts bruises etc. while in care I will notify parents by FB messenger usually including a picture to document the event.
I believe the most effective ways of encouraging positive behaviors are through Praise, Respect, Re-Direction, and Positive Re-Enforcement. I don’t play “REF”; I try to get children involved in their own problem solving if possible. During conflict it is important for children to feel respected, secure, loved, important and special. They need to know I am always available to listen and help, not to judge. My goal is to coach the children so they can negotiate, compromise, brainstorm and work it out together. "Time Away" is used when necessary with one minute per year of age used as the maximum time away from regular activities. I will place a child in time away if I feel that they are a threat to the safety and wellbeing of themselves or others. To ease the uncertainty that sometimes occurs when both parent and caregiver are present and a child is acting out, the daycare will discipline your child when you both walk in the door/gate.
All children are accepted into the daycare on a trial basis for a period of one month, with a provision for termination from the program with 2 weeks written notice. We do not believe a child should remain at the daycare unless he/she derives some benefit from their stay. After the trial period, the daycare reserves the right to dismiss a child from the center for the following reasons:
- Consistent disruptive behavior by a child causing excessive management problems for the staff and/or special developmental needs which the staff cannot adequately meet.
- Lack of cooperation from the parents to support the following guidelines:
- Habitual late pick-up of a child or continued use of the Daycare beyond normal scheduled hours.
- Out of date health, immunization and emergency forms.
- Verbal, physical or psychological abuse of staff, parents, children or anyone connected with the daycare by an adult associated with the child or the child itself.
- Continued delinquency of payment.
- If you choose to discontinue care one month written notice is required.
It is important for children of all ages to have a change of clothing at day care, since even those beyond the stages of "accidents" will occasionally spill juice, milk, or paint. We ask that you please clearly mark all items and send them in a bag also marked with your child's name. Please dress your child appropriately for the daycare environment and for the weather since we feel it is required for children to get out and get exercise and fresh air each day. Children attending during nap time are required to bring one blanket and one crib-sized sheet. The bedding should be clearly labeled. If your child is wearing diapers, you are required to provide disposable diapers and baby wipes.
I provide a wide variety of playthings. I ask that no toys be brought to daycare from home. Often children have a hard time sharing the toys they bring from home. However, a special blanket OR stuffed animal/doll to be used during Naptime is welcomed.
Parents of infants are required to provide formula, bottles, and baby food. Parents are responsible to provide nutritious meals and snacks that follow the Food Guidelines. Children arriving after 8:00 A.M. must eat breakfast at home before arriving and Children arriving after 12:30 must also eat lunch before arriving.
*If your child is on a special diet or has allergies we will need you to make a note of it on the Child's resume.
Our daycare has established special procedures to deal with such emergencies as fire and natural disaster. The day care is inspected on a regular basis by the Health unit. Fire and Earth Quake drills are held regularly. During severe weather, weather-related school closings will affect our daycare's operation. In case of a Disaster, a precautionary relocation of children to Temporary Relocation Centers may be ordered. Our relocation center would be the Mission Leisure Center. If the daycare is without power for over an hour and conditions are severe that we cannot meet the essential needs of care your child requires, you will be contacted to pick up your child.
The people who care for your child have special status under law. They're mandatory reporters. They don't really report "child abuse". What they report is their suspicion that someone may have purposely hurt your child. They have no choice under law. Trained investigators decide whether or not abuse actually took place. All children get bumps, bruises and scrapes as a part of growing up. It is important, however, that you tell your child's teacher/caregiver about any unusual injuries or conditions.
While your child is in my care, you can always be assured that the door is open to you. Open Door does not mean that we keep our doors unlocked. If the phone goes unanswered please do not become alarmed, I am busy with the children. Please leave me a message and I will call you as soon as I am able.l
Communication is very important to me. I feel that we are a team raising your child. If we can work together then your child can feel secure in knowing they have two families who love them very much. If you like parents may receive a daily note about their child’s day. Some typical things that you may find on this note would be daily activities, feedings/meals, diaper changes and naps/quiet time. Please let me know if you would like to receive daily reports.
This facility is pet friendly. Our cat Roamey has been with us since July 2023. Roamey is an indoor outdoor cat that is skiddish around the kids. Interaction is minimal with the children as she is out in the day. If its raining she will come in the daycare door and quickly run away upstairs.
- Active Play licensed family childcare facility is required that the children in care receive a minimum of 60 minutes per day of active play. (indoor active play is acceptable when weather is poor). Although this is a newer requirement by licensing it has always been important to me to get the kids out daily for fresh air and exercise. Please assure proper clothing for the season is provided. Outdoor pants are required to keep clothes under clean and dry. Boots in wet or snowy weather, hats, gloves and weather appropriate jackets. On those hot sunny days please Sunscreen your children in the morning before daycare. If required, we will reapply but that can only be done if you provide a sunscreen that is labeled with your child's name.
- Screen Time offered for 30 minutes a day.
I have read the Policies of Kinder Time Daycare and agree to adhere to them.
Parent signature ________________________ Date ________________
Childcare provider’s signature ___________________ Date _________________